Like everyone, we suddenly found ourselves unable to attend our regular weekly practices during the COVID lockdowns, and we looked for ways to continue to collaborate online.

We used the time to try something new, and attempted to record some of our favourite pieces from our repertoire, with each member recording themselves at home and sending their contributions to members with music editing software to be compiled.

This was the first time anyone in the ensemble had tried recording themselves, and the first time we had used mixing software! As you can imagine, these aren’t perfect recordings, but they are a lovely record from a difficult time.

zhuangtai qiusi.jpg
Yu Sui Jiang Nan grey 2.jpg


project #2:


Our second digital project is a recording of Zhuangtai Qiusi.

You can listen to the recording below.


project #1:

Yu Sui Jiangnan

Our first digital project was an attempt at recording Yu Sui Jiangnan - one of our favourite tunes.

This was the first time the ensemble had attempted a project like this, and we learned a lot! We now have a much better idea of what we are doing and look forward to developing our recording skills now that we are back face-to-face and have access to actual recording studios and sound engineers.

You can listen to the recording of Yu Sui Jiangnan below.